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Togetherness is strength: PortoBay Games 2023




The #PortoBayGames is an old tradition that brings together Madeira employees for a day of games and fun, and for the first time it will place at all PortoBay destinations!
The event is enjoyed by everyone and leads to lots of fun, togetherness, companionship and, above all, teamwork!
Nothing makes us happier than seeing the joy and happiness on the faces of our staff, who were able to enjoy a well-deserved day completely dedicated to themselves!


Lisbon, Porto and the Algarve

Being Portuguese for a day. .. or actually a “tourist” in our own city for a day! This activity took place at three destinations: Lisbon, Porto and the Algarve, where the staff enjoyed gastronomic and cultural experiences, took on lots of challenges and had plenty of fun!
To finish on a high note, colleagues were treated to a surprise party and enjoyed a wonderful sunset at one of the most beautiful settings in Lisbon, the Largo do Carmo. In Porto, there was a party and boat trip overlooking the Dom Luís I Bridge, a truly idyllic setting! In the Algarve, employees went on a boat trip along the coast, with a stunning sunset as a backdrop!


Colleagues from hotels in Madeira got together for a day of activities that included climbing, slides, traditional games and much more! It was a day packed with fun, socialising, teamwork and mutual support.
And because the best is always saved for last, they were treated to dinner at the historic Forte de São Tiago, where the winners of the games were announced, followed by live music. More than 300 colleagues smiled and danced the night away!

Rio de Janeiro, Búzios and São Paulo

Colleagues at hotels in Brazil were involved in activities focused on physical exercise, mental health and relaxation, with a functional training class in Rio de Janeiro and hikes in Búzios. In São Paulo a charity lunch for the elderly was held at the Casa São Vicente de Paulo.

According to the participants and winners, the PortoBay games were a resounding success! Therefore, a word of appreciation for the initiative would not go amiss. Everyone agreed that the word of the day was without doubt togetherness.


Carina Guerra (Front Office PortoBay Falésia) – Algarve Games Winner
“I was really happy to be part of the fun, friendly atmosphere. There was lots of positive energy from myself, other colleagues and those responsible for the event. I’d also like to point out that many people were at work that day and that even though they were tired, they really made an effort and gave their best.
This activity was important for several reasons, in that it helped us get to know other departments that sometimes, through no fault of our own, we don't have as much contact with.
I think it's very important for all the teams to get to know each other, and these events have increasingly shown that we are a family. I loved the experience! I can’t wait for next year!”

Cristina Nascimento Pires (Bar PortoBay Falésia) – Algarve Games Winner
“At the Porto Bay games, I really enjoyed the interaction and the challenge posed. This challenge was very important for everyone because togetherness always brings victory. We were able to enjoy the good company of people we didn’t know.”


Alexandre Silva (Health & Safety and Data Protection Assistant PortoBay Services) – Madeira Games Winner
“It was an exhilarating experience, with healthy competition and camaraderie. It was good because it encouraged physical activity, and strengthened bonds between team members, people who normally don't work in the same area. The positive energy, collaboration and encouragement of working together were the strengths of the Games for me.”


Vitor Franco (Food and Beverage The Cliff Bay) – Madeira Games Winner
“The games were great fun. I felt very comfortable and enjoyed the interaction between the teams. In my opinion, these activities end up being very important to get to know colleagues and the group better. We create new bonds and that makes the communication more fluid.”


Juliana Pereira (Housekeeping PortoBay Marquês) – Winner of the Lisbon Games
“These types of initiatives are always very important in companies as they show, in a relaxed way, the importance of creating synergies between employees, of sharing and collaborating and strengthening teams. Both the company and employees benefit; motivation helps to achieve goals.”


Mariana Magalhães (Food and Beverage PortoBay Flores) – Porto Games Winner
“This was a different and special day for all the employees who were able to participate! I really enjoyed the activities! I also felt that a connection was created between all the employees. It enabled us to get to know each other a little more outside of the workplace, and to work together as a team, learn and have fun at the same time!”


And the group's directors and hotel managers were also impressed. ...


Bernardo Trindade - PortoBay Group Director
“This training is part of a broader objective, which is to strengthen the relationships between everyone and reinforce the strength of the PortoBay brand. The teams in the games were purposely made up of members from various departments, some of whom did not even know each other. They had to get to know each other quickly in order to face the challenges, overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. I felt some really positive energy among the teams in this effort…”


André Caldeira – Board member and Vila Porto Mare Manager
“The summer games are a time for partying within our team, where we can celebrate the collective successes we have achieved over the last year. We take off our uniforms and experience some team moments, sometimes with colleagues we don't even cross paths with during the year, and this fosters a togetherness and team spirit. At the end when we can relax and have fun, with together with the Christmas party makes for a true moment of celebration for the PortoBay family. See you next year!”


Fabíola Pereira – Board member and Marketing and Communication Manager
“The PortoBay Games have a very special meaning for me. Reading the report about these games in the Diário de Notícias newspaper 19 years ago made me want to work at PortoBay and I ended up applying for a vacancy. This year, it was great to feel the adrenaline at this event at all destinations, and realize how much these rituals consolidate the business culture of our hotel group”


Silvia Rio - PortoBay Liberdade and PortoBay Marquês Manager
“For me it was important to bring all departments together at the same time, which is not easy on a daily basis. Having everyone interact, getting to know each other better, including seeing me in a different role than a manager, brings people together! It also enabled me to get to know a different side of the employees, other than their work persona.
In addition to challenging teams to compete against each other, the games also required them to join forces, which in reality is what we want on a daily basis at work, joining forces towards the same objective!
This opportunity to convey to everyone a little more about the group’s culture and philosophy was also very important, as well as giving everyone a sense of belonging.”


Ana Teresa Matos – PortoBay Flores and PortoBay Teatro Manager
“I felt lucky, alive and old at the same time, because the paper chase demanded a lot from me, running up and down the streets of Porto!!
It was BEAUTIFUL, spectacular, incredibly well organised and really exciting.
It’s these events that make us feel more and more like “I am PortoBay”. We are different, we are a family, where well-being and fun are encouraged; we can come to work every day composed, calm, confident and with a huge desire to come back the next day with a smile on our face.
Hearing from “my boys” over and over again “it was the best party I ever had”, I think says it all.
Thank you PortoBay, for investing in us and giving us so many opportunities ”


Fernando Reis Felipe – PortoBay Falésia General Manager
“There was a feeling of camaraderie and support among the hotel's employees in an afternoon of fun and enjoyment, where the teams made up of the different sections of the hotel interacted as one body.
The employees joined in enthusiastically with this event and there was bonding both in the games and in the fun.”


António Pais – The Cliff Bay, Les Suites at The Cliff Bay and PortoBay Serra Golf Manager
“The PortoBay games and the Christmas party are part of the PortoBay employee experience and it’s always an event many look forward to. It's an opportunity to get together, to break with routine, to get to know each other and share who we are in more light-hearted, fun spirit.
It’s always good to see new employees as well, to “drink” from this spirit, and it was something I experienced every time I was involved.”


Hélida Cristina - PortoBay Rio de Janeiro General Manager
“The feeling of togetherness and desire to be part of THE WHOLE. Everyone joined in and the team spirit was infectious, creating great expectations for next year. It was really beautiful to see teams from different departments participating and socialising with mutual recognition and appreciation. It is an employee-centred event that strengthens the group as a whole. This collective activity between Continents certainly made us feel part of the group, making the #SouPortoBay culture meaningful to everyone.”


Jorge Castelo – L’Hotel PortoBay São Paulo General Manager
“I felt a great sense of togetherness and celebration, which strengthened us as a team. The commitment and enjoyment of the participants was inspiring. I think it consolidated our team spirit, reinforced our sense of social responsibility, and increased the general well-being.”


Jovenila Rocha – PortoBay Búzios General Manager
“I think this event brought learning, enjoyment and a sense of togetherness between the teams. I believe this event directly influenced our personal development which is an increasingly essential aspect in companies these days.
I am immensely grateful to PortoBay for organising such a worthwhile and rewarding event with us.
And we have continued to use the kits, because they looked great!”

The PortoBay games were a success in all destinations and we bid a fond farewell to this activity, but . .. with a promise that they will be back next year! Let the countdown commence.


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