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For all clients of the Thomas Cook* group
Following the announcement on the 23rd September that the Thomas Cook group has ceased trading, we advise that hotel vouchers or any other titles issued by the tour operator of the Thomas Cook* group or any travel agent related to this group will not be accepted at our hotels.
We fully understand the difficulties this situation has created and in order to respond to our guests, we have created a special rate for existing reservations made through Thomas Cook* tour operators.
The terms and conditions of our offer are available through our Central Reservations department (+351 291708760; ).
We very much regret the current situation, and we remain at your disposal to clarify whatever doubts you may have.
Yours sincerely,
PortoBay Hotels & Resorts
Funchal, September 23rd, 2019
* Thomas Cook UK, Air Tours UK, Thomas Cook Netherlands, Thomas Cook Reisen, Neckermann Reisen, Oeger Tours, Air Marin, Bucher Reisen, Neckermann Belgium, Thomas Cook Austria, Neckermann Poland, Jet Tours and any travel agent related to this group.